" Education is about academic excellence and cultural diversity. "

Welcome to Shekhawati Veterinary College. For Admission call on: 7665010187

 To raise the level of Veterinary and Animal Science study to international standards as it may deem fit from time to time for the stakeholder.

 To utilize Veterinary and Animal Sciences Technology in a profitable industry through livestock entrepreneurship training and providing nutritional security to the nation.

 To prepare the students in a way that as a veterinarian, they can protect the humans from the diseases carried and transmitted by the animals.

 To develop the center of excellence of learning in the field of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.

 To undertake study in marketing strategies of livestock, livestock products and conservation of livestock breeds and wild animals.

 To provide knowledge, training and skills to the students in the areas of breeding, feeding, rearing and health control of domestic animals kept for food, work or pleasure.


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